
Welcome to my blog. In this space we will walk the journey of libraries and librarianship. I believe it will be a long journey because libraries are about life itself. Life itself outlives our shot individual lives, going from one generation to another. Libraries go on from one generation to the next, and the next. This journey, I believe will be a long journey. Let us walk the journey, together.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Library contributions to development are demonstrable....

Those of us who have been following the recent tweets,  The Guardian chat, and the IFLA Presidential meeting in Mexico City, last week, would have  been excited by various affirmations that  libraries  are indeed central to the development of humanity.  It was even more refreshing, in Mexico City, to hear it from none Librarians. It was refreshing to hear it affirmed that all good communities have libraries at the centre.  One wanted to respond "Yes indeed!"

The old saying that "Libraries are at the heart  of all academic activity" was not misplaced. I recently heard a university leader assert , " a university worth its name needs a good library". However, those accolades are no longer enough to attract resources to libraries.

In order for libraries to continue to  be central to development, libraries and library communities will have to communicate back to communities just how we impact learning, teaching, social programmes, research and development. Our work is measurable.  The impact of what we do should be demonstrable. Our successes are not fuzzy feelings. Our successes must speak for Libraries so that  libraries can attract resources that enable them to continue contribute to human development.  

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