
Welcome to my blog. In this space we will walk the journey of libraries and librarianship. I believe it will be a long journey because libraries are about life itself. Life itself outlives our shot individual lives, going from one generation to another. Libraries go on from one generation to the next, and the next. This journey, I believe will be a long journey. Let us walk the journey, together.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Libraries and national development

I just watched, on TV, the opening  ceremony of the 2012 Olympics in London. I was delighted to see books and reading as part of the opening ceremony! I wondered what the NHS did to get such prominence in the opening?! It must have something to do with impact, I thought. I dreamt of a day when libraries would get such noticeable mention....

This bring me to a conversation we will have in the next few days, libraries and national development. Perhaps when libraries take their place on the development agenda, they will get mention at such major events. The question is who should put the libraries on the development agenda? My quick answer is libraries and library communities have a responsibility to be part of the development solution.  We will discuss this in the coming weeks, and a related question "to what extent is this a leadership issue"?

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